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Công ty robot khởi nghiệp ở Singapore do hai người Việt thành lập gọi vốn hơn 10 triệu USD
17 Dec 2024
Eureka Robotics Raises USD10.5 Mn Series A Funding
13 Dec, 2024
Eureka Robotics raises US$10.5M to power the future of factory automation
13 Dec, 2024
シンガポールの3Dビジョンセンサー企業が1050万ドルの資金を調達/Eureka Robotics
製造現場向けAIロボ制御「Eureka Robotics」シリーズAで1,050万ドル調達──UTECら支援
‘High Accuracy, High Agility’ Eureka Robotics Funded By Airbus VC
Airbus Ventures invests $10.5 million in robotics startup
Eureka Robotics Raises $10.5M to Expand Global Operations
Eureka Robotics raises $10.5M to scale its vision systems in the U.S.
南大设本地首个大学风投基金 华登国际主席陈立武投500万元
新発売の3Dカメラと組み合わせ多品種少量の現場へ/Eureka Robotics「エウレカコントローラー」
Singapore startup lends Japan's aging factory workers robot hand
Singapore to triple AI talent pool, build 'iconic' AI site as part of updated national strategy
Eureka Robotics, the team behind the ‘IkeaBot’, picks up $4.25M
Eureka Robotics brings in $4.5M in pre-Series A funding
Festo and MassRobotics select companies for healthcare robotics startup program
Getting high on HRI
Festo and MassRobotics Mark Success of Healthcare Robotics Startup Catalyst
国外创投新闻 |「IkeaBot」获得425万美元 Pre-A 轮融资,用机器人自动化完成高精准度任务
Festo, MassRobotics to celebrate healthcare robotics innovation
Start-Up Profile – Eureka Robotics – Robotics Automation Solutions for High Accuracy – High Agility Tasks
Tiến sĩ 9x ‘phải lòng’ robot
Pioneering High Accuracy, High Agility Automation
Will conservative construction industry adopt robots for manual tasks?
싱가포르 유레카 로보틱스, 정밀 조립로봇으로 57억원 투자 유치
Eureka Robotics révolutionne le domaine de la robotique avec son nouveau logiciel
At 9 for every 100 workers, robots are rife in Singapore – so we decided to visit them
Getting high on HRI
Singapore’s Eureka Robotics raises $4.25M Pre-Series A round led by UTEC
Singapore robotics firm scores $4.25m in pre-seed round
5 thoughts from Eureka Robotics co-founder on robot technology
Eureka Robotics plans to expand operations to Vietnam in July 2022
Getting high on HRI
Touchstone rót vốn vào Eureka Robotics
NTU Singapore start-up unveils robot with human-like dexterous grip
Eureka Robotics, the Team Behind the ‘IkeaBot’, Picks Up $4.25M – Latest Tweet by TechCrunch
Making robots nearly as nimble as human hands, with tech powered by AI
New software allows industrial robots to achieve touch sensitivity and precision close to human hands
Touchstone Partners đầu tư vào Eureka Robotics với quy mô 4,25 triệu USD
TouchStone Partners đầu tư vào Eureka Robotics
Touchstone Partners đầu tư vào Eureka Robotics
“Start-up” Eureka Robotics có kế hoạch mở rộng hoạt động tại Việt Nam
Eureka Robotics có kế hoạch mở rộng hoạt động tại Việt Nam
Startup Eureka Robotics lên kế hoạch mở rộng hoạt động tại Việt Nam
Touchstone Partners công bố đầu tư vào công ty khởi nghiệp Eureka Robotics
Touchstone Partners invests in Eureka Robotics
Quỹ Touchstone Partners công bố đầu tư vào Eureka Robotics phát triển công nghệ sâu
Touchstone Partners đầu tư vào công ty khởi nghiệp Eureka Robotics
Có thể bạn chưa biết: Eureka Robotics có kế hoạch mở rộng hoạt động tại Việt Nam
Touchstone Partners đầu tư vào Eureka Robotics
Touchstone Partners đầu tư vào Eureka Robotics
Robot Archimedes chính xác tới hàng chục micromet
Meet Pham Quang Cuong, the man behind the ‘DIY IKEA Group chair robots’
Eureka Roboticsʼ new robotic arm is designed for optical lenses and mirrors
NTU start-up unveils new robot
高度准确灵活机器人“阿基米德” 助镜片商提高生产力
AI-Powered Robot Could Improve Productivity, Reduce Defects in Optics Manufacturing
佛山:高新区海外人才创新创业大赛5强出炉 10个优质项目抛“绣球”
Chuyên gia Việt phát triển robot thông minh dùng trí tuệ nhân tạo
Cuong interviewed on TRT World’s Money Talks
PGS Phạm Quang Cường và robot “Made in Vietnam”
Mobile Robots Cooperate to 3D Print Large Structures
3D printed buildings are on the rise
Watch: synchronized 3D printing of concrete walls by NTU mobile robots
Mở rộng “độ phủ sóng” của robot
Robot Conquers One of the Hardest Human Tasks: Assembling Ikea Furniture
Flat-pack heaven? Robots master task of assembling Ikea chair
Robots can assemble IKEA furniture
Robots (almost) master IKEA chair
Flatpack fear no more? Robot assembles IKEA chair frame
How to make a robot that will build your Ikea furniture
Semi-autonomous robot assembles IKEA chair frame in 20 minutes
Can this robot build an IKEA chair faster than you?
A robot that builds IKEA furniture in a snap
Robots are about as good as you at assembling IKEA furniture
Can robots assemble an IKEA chair?
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