Hello Hien, can you share with us how you got in touch with Robotics?
Growing up with an endless curiosity and fascination about science and machinery, I have always dreamed of building machines, robotic systems, that would liberate humans from routine, tedious, and labor-intensive tasks, like washing machines do.
I remember, during my high school years, I was passionate about Physics, which explains how machines around us are built and how they operate. I also started to tinker with electrical and electronics, from small toys like remote controls to more complicated ones such as computers.
At university, I naturally enrolled in Mechanical Engineering and specialized in Robotics and Mechatronics, a first concrete step towards my childhood dream.
How was your first year at Eureka Robotics?
Right after graduation, I decided to join a newly established start-up company, Eureka Robotics, as a Robotics Engineer in charge of mechanical design and software development.
In my first year with Eureka Robotics, I have immensely enjoyed devoting my efforts to fulfill the company’s mission, which is to build and deliver versatile and smart robotic systems to tackle unsolved industrial problems.
The long journey to success still lies ahead, and countless challenges are awaiting, but with a strong belief in the excellent people of Eureka Robotics, together, we can make it happen!